Say Goodbye to Freelancer Hassles and Agency Costs, and Hello to Faastball:

  • Fast,
  • Reliable,
  • Affordable Frontend Solutions.

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Revolutionize Your Development Experience: Once You Try, You'll Never Go Back.

Say Goodbye to Freelancer Hassles and Agency Costs: Fast, Reliable, Affordable Frontend Solutions Await.

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How It Works


Subscribe & Submit

Choose a subscription plan that fits your needs and budget and submit frontend development tasks through our user-friendly platform.


Get Results

Sit back and watch as our dedicated team brings your projects to life with speed and precision.



We'll revise the designs until you're 100% satisfied.


  • Totally async: Don't like meetings? We don't either; so much so that we've outlawed them completely.
  • Manage with Trello: Manage your task board using Trello. View active, queued and completed tasks with ease.
  • Invite unlimited team members: Invite your entire team, so anyone can submit requests and track their progress.
  • Flat-Rate Subscription: Say goodbye to hourly rates and fluctuating project costs. With our flat-rate subscription model, you'll enjoy predictable monthly pricing for unlimited frontend development tasks.
  • Fast Turnaround: Time is of the essence, and we understand the importance of quick project delivery. Our average turnaround time is just 2 business days, ensuring your projects stay on track and meet deadlines.
  • Quality Assurance: Rest assured that your projects are in good hands. We utilize a combination of MOP programming and AI technologies to deliver fast and quality-assured frontend development solutions.
  • EU-Based Services: Trust in our EU-based services, compliant with data protection standards and regulations. Your sensitive data is safe with us, and our proximity to EU clients ensures seamless communication and collaboration.


  • Affordable Pricing: Enjoy unlimited frontend development at a fixed monthly rate, eliminating surprises in your project budget.
  • Speed & Efficiency: Experience lightning-fast turnaround times without compromising on quality, thanks to our experienced team, innovative technologies and proven methodology.
  • Quality Assurance: Our rigorous quality assurance processes ensure that every project meets the highest standards of excellence.
  • Dedicated Support: From onboarding to project completion, I, the Founder of Faastball, am here to support you every step of the way, providing responsive assistance and guidance.

Available for the following languages and frameworks


to come ..


Standard Plan

5.000/ month

Best For Small Individuals

  • One request at a time
  • Average 48 hour delivery
  • Unlimited Code Repositories
  • Unlimited users
  • Easy credit-card payments
  • Pause or cancel anytime
Contact Us

Custom Plan

10k+/ month

Best For Large Volumes

  • Express Service
  • Average 48 hour delivery
  • Unlimited Code Repositories
  • Unlimited users
  • Pay by Invoice
  • Pause or cancel anytime
Contact Us


Why not hiring a full-time developer?

Is there a limit to the number of frontend development tasks I can submit?

How quickly can you complete frontend development tasks?

Who are the developers?

How does the subscription model work?

What types of frontend development tasks do you support?

How does Faastball ensure quality assurance?

Is Faastball GDPR compliant?

How can I get started with Faastball?

Can I cancel my subscription at any time?

Are there any refunds if I don't like the service?